
Desserts, Recipes

Strawberry Rhubarb Galette

Every year around this time I go a little nuts making strawberry desserts. Witness last year's strawberry sweets frenzy: Mini Strawberry and Rum PiesStrawberry Rhubarb BuckleStrawberry Basil Sorbet. And those are just the ones that made the cut to become blog posts.

Over Memorial Day weekend I went my friend Karol's new apartment in Williamsburg for her housewarming BBQ potluck, which promised lots of food and merriment on a big beautiful deck.  Her potlucks usually draw a big crowd, so I decided to make not one but two strawberry rhubarb tarts.

I picked up a large container of first-of-the-season Jersey strawberries and rhubarb stalks from the Greenmarket. And had ambitious plans of getting up early on Sunday morning to make the tarts without rushing. The waking up early part, um, never happened. Fortunately, I found out, you can really make these tarts in just two hours from start to finish, including the galette dough.

Breakfast, Desserts, Recipes

Strawberry Rhubarb Buckle

I can thank my first  job out of culinary school for introducing me to how wonderful strawberries and rhubarb can be together.

The job was at an catering company in Manhattan that specialized in large-scale events. I worked in the pastry department, which meant that we could spend an entire day creating hundreds of portions of the same desserts. At times, the head count for certain events could be as high as 1,500. If you have ever done 1,500 portions of the same cookies, cakes, or pies, you know how tedious this can be.